A world without photosynthesis


Processes of photosynthesis?

1.The intial process in photosynthesis  is the decomposition of water into oxygen which is refresh and hytrosenia directly at the light which is requied for this process.

2. The hytrogen and carbon dioxide and oxygen of carbon dioxide(Co2) are then converted into a series of increasingly complex organic compound, glucos(C6H206), and water
3. With the production of carbon doixide and water
4.The simpifler equaliased to represent this overall process CO2+12H2+energy=C6HI206=602+6H20.

5.In general,the results  of this process are the reverse of those in respiration in which carbonelrates are oxidized to release energy.

6. This phase of photosynthesis utilizes stored energy and therefore can processed in the dark.


 The importance of photosynthesis?

1.Animals and plantsboth synthesize fats and proteins from carbohydrates;thus glucose is a basic energy source for all living organisms.

2.The oxygen released(with water vapour, in transpiration)as a  photosynthetic by product,principally of phytoplankton, provides  most of the atmospheric oxygen vital to respiration in plants and animals, and animals in return produce carbon dioxide nescassory to plants.

3.Photosynthesis can therefore be considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providing the source of enegy that drives all their metabolic processes.

4.In these plants water is absorbed by the roots and carried to the leaves by the xylem, and carbon dioxide is obtained from air thatenters the leaves through the stomata and diffuses to the cells containing chlorophyll.

5.The vast majority of plants contain chylorophyll-concentrated, in the higher land plants, in the lea

6.It involves the conversion of stored energy of the sunlight, water and carbon-dioxide into glucose which is an organic compound and release oxygen in the process.

How will it affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis?

1.The plants will not be able to make food for itself and every plant will die as well as the animals and human beings will die without oyxgen that the plant should produce.

2.Animals which are herbivores will die of hunger.

brought to you by :

 Ashraf Iman ,Yong Lin , Lee Yi Shay , Jewel Lim Zu Er and Ng zhi xiang.
